shell javascript


Welcome to the SalesVista API! This docs site is meant to help you use the SalesVista API to access sales and compensation data for your organization.

Throughout the docs, there are language examples for curl (shell) and Node.js (javascript). You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right or using the nav menu on smaller screens.

Assigned Region

SalesVista hosts your organization's data within one of several production environments. Each environment represents an "assigned region" and is hosted at a different domain.

If you do not know your organization's assigned region or the domain associated with your assigned region, please contact your SalesVista customer success representative.


Use your client credentials to get an access token:

# Get an access token using your client id and secret
curl \
  -u 'client_id:client_secret' \
  -d 'grant_type=client_credentials'

# Use the access token and org id
# Plug in your own value for access_token and org_id
curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer access_token"
const svClient = require('@salesvista/client')

  // your client credentials
  id: process.env.SALESVISTA_CLIENT_ID,
  secret: process.env.SALESVISTA_CLIENT_SECRET,
  // use the domain associated with your org's assigned region
  baseUrl: ''

// You can manually get an access token via the following, but note
// the SDK library will automatically manage access tokens for you
// when you use normal API endpoints, so the following is not necessary.
// It is just for illustrative purposes.
const token = await svClient.getToken()
console.log('access token: ' + token.access_token)
console.log('org id: ' + token.org_id)
const orgId = await svClient.getOrgId()
console.log('org id: ' + orgId)

An example JSON response for an access token:

  "access_token": "xtSab92x5vSDacQanmCfUjuAXx41ix0vTMioThzyhAyy9w",
  "expires_in": 172800,
  "org_id": "cf69g0r2cl9zpn4b9000ihdnp",
  "token_type": "Bearer"

The SalesVista API uses OAuth2 for authentication.

Before you can use the API, you must have a registered oauth client. At this time, oauth clients must be registered manually by the SalesVista team. To request API access, please contact your SalesVista customer success representative or send an email to

Once you have been granted client credentials, you can use the client_credentials oauth grant type to receive a bearer access token, which can be used to access data via specific HTTP endpoints.

The request body for oauth requests should use the application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type.

The access token response body will be in JSON and will contain an access_token property and an org_id property. Use the access_token value in the Authorization request header for every subsequent request. Use the org_id value when necessary when calling specific endpoints.

When using the Node.js SDK, access tokens will be automatically managed for you. They will be automatically fetched when necessary and stored in memory. If you want to customize how tokens are stored, you can specify your own cacheStrategy. See the SDK docs for more info.


Get Org

Get basic org info:

# Plug in your own value for access_token and org_id
curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer access_token"
// Your access token and org id will be stored in memory and used automatically.
const org = await
console.log(JSON.stringify(org, null, 2))

Sample JSON response for an org (without counts):

  "id": "cf69g0r2cl9zpn4b9000ihdnp",
  "version": 3,
  "orgName": "example",
  "companyName": "Example",
  "currency": "USD",
  "fyStart": "01-01",
  "aggregationInterval": "monthly",
  "fiscalYearUseStartDate": true,
  "currentWorkingFiscalYear": {
    "id": "cmdd4fp2bl9zpn4cg000khdnp",
    "name": "FY2022",
    "start": "2023-01-01",
    "end": "2023-12-31"

This endpoint fetches information about your organization within SalesVista.


GET /rest/v1/orgs/:id

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
withCounts boolean false If set to true, the response will include entity counts across the org
from date none The start date to limit counts by e.g. 2023-01-01
to date none The end date to limit counts by e.g. 2023-01-31
fiscalYearId id or enum current Get counts for this fiscal year (instead of using from/to), supports pseudo-id values current, previous, and next
fiscalPeriodId id or enum none Get counts for this fiscal period (instead of using from/to), supports pseudo-id values current, previous, and next


List Sales

Get a paginated list of sales:

# Plug in your own value for access_token and org_id
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer access_token" \
// Your access token and org id will be stored in memory and used automatically.
const params = {
  page: 1,
  size: 500,
  fiscalPeriodId: 'current'
const sales = await svClient.sales.listSales(params)
console.log(JSON.stringify(sales, null, 2))

Sample JSON response for a paginated list of sales:

  "query": {
    "page": 1,
    "size": 500,
    "sort": [
        "prop": "effectiveDate",
        "dir": "asc"
        "prop": "transactionDate",
        "dir": "asc"
        "prop": "transactionNum",
        "dir": "asc"
    "fiscalPeriodId": "cozeyhrkrl9zpn4df000ohdnp"
  "items": [
      "id": "c20myllibl9zy1kv6006nvinp",
      "version": 0,
      "rep": {
        "id": "c6nz9hyh5l9zx06a1001rmqnp",
        "fullName": "rep1",
        "repCode": "rep1",
        "givenName": "Example",
        "familyName": "Rep",
        "title": null,
        "deleted": false,
        "deletedAt": null,
        "snapshotId": "cwmipm32jldkgijsr001kvuhv",
        "isInactive": false
      "team": {
        "id": "c1fejnjqrl9zpojjo0029hdnp",
        "name": "Active Reps",
        "snapshotId": "cutufrgfkldkgijsz0022vuhv"
      "productCategory": {
        "snapshotId": "c7ovps836ldkgijuo002uvuhv",
        "name": "Software",
        "id": "c7ovps836ldkgijuo002uvuhv"
      "customerCategory": null,
      "product": {
        "id": "ckzdbytnfl9zqdc90008ahdnp",
        "name": "Software",
        "deleted": false,
        "deletedAt": null,
        "snapshotId": "cp4cbgroaldkgijsw001vvuhv",
        "productCode": "Software",
        "description": null,
        "displayName": "Software"
      "customer": null,
      "contract": null,
      "effectiveDate": "2023-02-04",
      "transactionDate": "2023-02-04",
      "transactionNum": 100001,
      "annualContractValue": 0,
      "annualContractValueActual": 0,
      "annualContractValueCompensable": 0,
      "annualContractValueAttained": 0,
      "extendedAmount": 1052.8,
      "extendedAmountActual": 1052.8,
      "extendedAmountCompensable": 1052.8,
      "extendedAmountAttained": 1052.8,
      "grossMargin": null,
      "grossMarginActual": null,
      "grossMarginCompensable": null,
      "grossMarginAttained": null,
      "volume": 7,
      "volumeActual": 7,
      "volumeCompensable": 7,
      "volumeAttained": 7,
      "referenceId": "Some note",
      "status": "compensable",
      "type": "txn",
      "createdAt": "2023-03-02T17:59:43.842Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-03-02T17:59:43.842Z",
      "reports": [
          "id": "ce1itng39la03j67p000w1hnp",
          "slug": "15",
          "status": "closed",
          "name": "FEB",
          "stale": false
      "labels": [],
      "territory__sv": [
          "id": "cz5a504m2l9zxgp18002ivinp",
          "version": 0,
          "name": "Southeast"
      "externalKey": null,
      "batch": {
        "id": "ce0gfoiral9zy1ktz006mvinp",
        "name": "SalesVista_Sales_1667411461586.csv",
        "deleted": false
      "source": "file",
      "projectedCommissionWithDeferred": null,
      "projectedCompensationWithDeferred": null,
      "compensation": 0.86,
      "commission": 0.86,
      "bonus": 0,
      "deferredCommission": 0,
      "deferredCommissionPrereq": 0,
      "deferredCommissionEvent": 0,
      "commissionWithDeferred": 0.86,
      "compensationWithDeferred": 0.86
  "matching": 1,
  "total": 284,
  "pages": 1,
  "more": false

Use this endpoint to fetch a paginated list of sales that exist in SalesVista for your organization.

Sales represent individual transactions (e.g. invoice line items) that are used as the input for performance-based compensation.


GET /rest/v1/orgs/:id/sales

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
page integer 1 The page number to fetch across matching results
size integer 50 The number of sales to include per page
sort string effectiveDate,asc The properties (and optional associated directions) to sort sales by e.g. effectiveDate,desc,transactionNum,desc
teamId id or array none Filter sales by one or more teams
includeChildTeams boolean false Whether child teams should be included when filtering by team
productCategoryId id or array none Filter sales by one or more product categories
customerCategoryId id or array none Filter sales by one or more customer categories
labelId id or array none Filter sales by one or more labels
repId id or array none Filter sales by one or more reps/employees
id id or array none Filter sales by one or more sale ids
productId id or array none Filter sales by one or more products
customerId id or array none Filter sales by one or more customers
from date none Filter sales by effective date using this start date by e.g. 2023-01-01
to date none Filter sales by effective date using this end date by e.g. 2023-01-31
fiscalYearId id or enum none Filter sales by effective date using this fiscal year (instead of using from/to), supports pseudo-id values current, previous, and next
fiscalPeriodId id or enum none Filter sales by effective date using this fiscal period (instead of using from/to), supports pseudo-id values current, previous, and next
effectiveDate date or array none Filter sales by one or more specific effective dates
effectiveDateAfter date none Filter sales by effective date that are equal to or greater than this value
effectiveDateBefore date none Filter sales by effective date that are equal to or less than this value
transactionDate date or array none Filter sales by one or more specific transaction dates
transactionDateAfter date none Filter sales by transaction date that are equal to or greater than this value
transactionDateBefore date none Filter sales by transaction date that are equal to or less than this value
reportId id or array none Filter sales by one or more compensation statements where the sales were processed and compensated for on these statements
batchId id or array none Filter sales by one or more batches where the sales were created or updated in one of the given batches
referenceId string none Filter sales by specific note value
noteLike string none Filter sales by note where the note contains the given value
transactionNum integer or array none Filter sales by one or more specific transaction numbers (human-friendly auto-generated incrementing number ids)
transactionNumLike partial-integer string or array none Filter sales by transaction number where the transaction number on the sale contains the given partial value
source string or array none Filter sales that came from one or more specific sources
externalKey string or array none Filter sales by one or more specific external keys (typically ids defined in an external source system)
externalKeyLike string or array none Filter sales by external key where the external key on the sale contains the given value
deferredAccrual boolean none Only include sales that have deferred compensation tied to them
withWarnings boolean none Only include sales that have warnings that need to be addressed by a user
status enum or array none Filter sales by one or more specific statuses e.g. compensable
type enum or array none Filter sales by one or more specific types e.g. txn or churn

Get Sale Totals

Get aggregate sale totals for a given period:

# Plug in your own value for access_token and org_id
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer access_token" \
// Your access token and org id will be stored in memory and used automatically.
const params = {
  fiscalPeriodId: 'current'
const sales = await svClient.sales.getSaleTotals(params)
console.log(JSON.stringify(sales, null, 2))

Sample JSON response for aggregate sale totals:

  "from": "2023-01-01",
  "to": "2023-01-31",
  "annualContractValueAttained": 40001000,
  "extendedAmountAttained": 47384458.22,
  "grossMarginAttained": 0,
  "volumeAttained": 136797,
  "annualContractValueActual": 40001000,
  "extendedAmountActual": 47384458.22,
  "grossMarginActual": 0,
  "volumeActual": 136797,
  "annualContractValueCompensable": 40001000,
  "extendedAmountCompensable": 47384458.22,
  "grossMarginCompensable": 0,
  "volumeCompensable": 136797,
  "numSales": 284

Get sale total aggregates for a given period or date range.


GET /rest/v1/orgs/:id/sale-totals

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
from date none Filter sales by effective date using this start date by e.g. 2023-01-01
to date none Filter sales by effective date using this end date by e.g. 2023-01-31
fiscalYearId id or enum none Filter sales by effective date using this fiscal year (instead of using from/to), supports pseudo-id values current, previous, and next
fiscalPeriodId id or enum none Filter sales by effective date using this fiscal period (instead of using from/to), supports pseudo-id values current, previous, and next
type enum or array none Filter sales by one or more specific types e.g. txn or churn


The following common error codes are used across all endpoints:

Code Name Meaning
400 Bad Request There is a problem with the request that must be addressed by the client.
401 Unauthorized Your access token was not provided or is expired.
402 Payment Required Your organization's subscription is not in good standing.
403 Forbidden Your client is not authorized to make this request.
404 Not Found The resource requested does not exist.
405 Method Not Allowed This HTTP method is not allowed for this URL/route.
429 Too Many Requests Your client has exceeded its allowed API limits.
500 Internal Server Error An unexpected error occurred within SalesVista. Please try again later or contact SalesVista for help.
503 Service Unavailable The SalesVista API is temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.
504 Gateway Timeout The API is processing your request but took too long to respond.